Manual Testing:-
1. What is testing?
2. What is the difference between regression and Re-Testing?
3. What is ad-hoc testing?
4. What is difference between Sanity and Smoke testing?
5. What type of testing will handle initially?
6. What is V model?
7. What is agile developing life cycle?
8. We have 10 test cases and one Test case has been failed in 10 test cases when you are doing re-testing what type of testing will do?
9. What is user interface testing?
10. What is User acceptance testing and define different type of UAT?
11. Who will do user acceptance testing?
12. What is severity and priority? And define types?
13. What are the testing’s will perform while testing web applications?
14. What is difference between Web and Window application testing?
15. What is alpha and beta testing? And how will do that?
16. What is the difference between V-Model and Water model?
17. How will check the cookies’ and what are the types are there?
18. How will check the URL?
19. What are the different types of testing?
20. What is Block box and white box testing?
21. What is RTM and what are the contents are there?
22. What is test plan? And what are content will be there? And do you able to prepare test plan?
23. What is the difference between Test strategy and test plan
24. What are documents will be produce from testing side while deliver the project?
25. Our application content spelling mistake in home page so what is priority and severity for that?
26. Example for

27. What is quality?
28. What is test case?
29. Difference between test case & test condition?
30. What are the fields in test case document?
31. What is bug life cycle?
32. When the bug will reject and who will reject?
33. Example for showstopper bug?
34. What are the browsers will use while doing browser testing?
35. What is the maximum of the response time for displaying the page?
36. Difference between window and web application testing?
37. When you will stop the testing?
38. Write system test case for ATM (Money transfer)?
39. What you will test for Date field?
40. What are the contents will be there in bug report or Defect report?
41. Who will fix the priority?
42. How you are reporting the defect?
43. What is difference between b bug, defect and error?
44. Tomorrow is release time but you find two major severity bugs so what is your approach at the time?
45. What is integration testing?
46. What is top down and bottom up approach?
47. How will you do security testing?
48. What is load testing?
49. What is stress testing?
50. What is scalability testing?
51. What is reliability testing?
52. How you will check memory leakage?
53. How you will check SQL Injections?
54. Developer rejected or not accepted your bugs so what is your approach at the time?
55. Developer is in onsite and you reported one bug but in developer place they are not able to reproduce the bug so what you will do?
56. What are the type of links are available?
57. How will you check the broken link?
58. How do you make sure your test case cover all the requirements?
59. What is SIT??
Database Testing
60. Example for Sub queries?
61. Type of Join and Example?
62. What is self join and example?
63. How will you check the second highest salary?
64. Group by example?
65. Query for How money patients for per doctor?
66. Type of language in SQL and Example?
67. How will find the duplications in a table using SQL queries?
68. Different between Union and Union All?
69. Example for Not In?
70. How will you identify the dynamic object?
71. How will you open an application without using SystemUtil Comments?
72. How will you open IE browser using VB Scripts?
73. What is shared object repository?
74. What is the extension of the repository?
75. What is action sheet?
76. What is the use of object spy?
77. What is the difference between Dim and Redim?
78. How will you check the output value?
79. How will identify the objects from active screen?
80. What is Recovery scenario and when will we use that?
81. If default timeout 20msec and wait (10msec) so what is the total wait time?
82. What is parameterization?
83. If page have 10 check boxes, here how will you count it and will checked all check box ? and write scripts for that?
84. VB scripts for connecting to the DB?
85. What is the description language and when will use it?