Sunday, 13 July 2014

How to Retrieve the disappeared Tool bar or Menu Bar in QTP Object Repository or Object Repository Manager ?

1. Open the ORMToolBarLayout.xml file from below path.

File: C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\HP\QuickTest Professional\ORMToolBarLayout.xml

 2. Make the <Visible>false</Visible>   tag   to true

<Key id="ref-78">ToolbarStandard</Key>
< Tools href="#ref-79"/>
< Settings href="#ref-80"/>
< DockedColumn>0</DockedColumn>
< DockedPosition>4</DockedPosition>
< DockedRow>0</DockedRow>
< FloatingLocation xsi:type="a2:Point" xmlns:a2="">
< x>204</x>
< y>154</y>
< /FloatingLocation>
< FloatingSize xsi:type="a2:Size" xmlns:a2="">
< width>454</width>
< height>22</height>
< /FloatingSize>
< PositionWhenLastDocked>0</PositionWhenLastDocked>
< DockedRowWhenLastDocked>1</DockedRowWhenLastDocked>
< DockedColumnWhenLastDocked>0</DockedColumnWhenLastDocked>
< TargetPositionInDockedRow>73</TargetPositionInDockedRow>
<Visible>false</Visible>     to true

3.Then Delete QuickTestProfessional from Registry settings

>>Run>>Regedit>>>HK_Current_User>>Software>>Mercury Interactive>>QuickTestProfessional
4. Now Close the QTP and Open The QTP and check the Object Repository.


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